The Meriwether Society, Inc. hosts an Annual Meeting every year and a Reunion every other year (biennial).
2007 - Williamsburg, Virginia
The 24th Biennial Meriwether Society Reunion was held 14-17 June in Williamsburg, Virginia.
Activities included a day-long guided tour of Jamestown National Park and Jamestown Village, family group meetings to meet new cousins, discussions on how to conduct family history research, banquets with interesting speakers, and free time to visit Colonial Williamsburg or nearby historic attractions such as Yorktown, Richmond, or Norfolk.
For members of FG M128, Edy Macdonald organized a special tour of “Warner Hall”, ancestral home of the Lewis family, and other sites of interest. See the sidebar for details.
The Meriwether Society Annual Meeting was conducted Saturday morning where members elected new officers and board members. At the Saturday evening banquet, the new officers and board were be sworn in and toke over the running of the Society for the next two years.